Saturday 28-November-2017 is Sculptor's 82nd birthday

Sculptor - a boat built by boat builders rather than a boat built by ship builders - and so much more elegant for that.

Sculptor is a 'Star' class boat named for the Sculptor Constellation
Sculptor on ITV Anglia - 22-September-2014
Sculptor on BBC Look East 16-October-2014
Sculptor on Narrowboatworld

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Dry Docking Day 3

The tunnel bands looking resplendent in
Deep Red and White
The 'black hand' gang having their
Sunday breakfast L to R Steve, Richard
and Phil
All going according to plan.  The front cants have been undercoated in blue (final colour midnight blue).  The planks have had a second coat of Raddle Red - final colour will be midnight blue in the spring, the tunnel bands have been painted and the hull has been given a second coat of blacking - in the difficult places a third coat.

We are ready for refloating on Monday morning at 08:00 and hope to be back at Stoke Bruerne around 17:30.

Link to day's images is here.

Volunteer hours 28 (total 532 to date).

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