Saturday 28-November-2017 is Sculptor's 82nd birthday

Sculptor - a boat built by boat builders rather than a boat built by ship builders - and so much more elegant for that.

Sculptor is a 'Star' class boat named for the Sculptor Constellation
Sculptor on ITV Anglia - 22-September-2014
Sculptor on BBC Look East 16-October-2014
Sculptor on Narrowboatworld

Saturday, 4 October 2014

The first time since 1988

Alex, Steve and Ryan
loading Sculptor
Sculptor was partially loaded this afternoon - the job will be finished on Monday.  It's the first time she has been loaded since 1988 and even though she only has a small amount of her planned load on at the moment she looks so much more 'business-like'.

This afternoon, Rob, Steve and Kathryn took the shutts up and cleaned out underneath them in preparation for the coal to be loaded - we won't be able to get at the shutts for a while.

The image to the left shows Alex, Steve and Ryan loading Sculptor from Bideford with Southern Cross in the background (alongside Charlie).

Images from this afternoon are here.

Volunteer hours 15 (total 547 to date).

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