Saturday 28-November-2017 is Sculptor's 82nd birthday

Sculptor - a boat built by boat builders rather than a boat built by ship builders - and so much more elegant for that.

Sculptor is a 'Star' class boat named for the Sculptor Constellation
Sculptor on ITV Anglia - 22-September-2014
Sculptor on BBC Look East 16-October-2014
Sculptor on Narrowboatworld

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Saturday 21-March work party

David Blagrove and Richard
Cox either struggling with the
cloths or perhaps planning
on some hang gliding!
A bit of a challenge today with the scaffolding on the museum coming down - it was planned for yesterday - so we moved Sculptor back to the lock waiting area in order that we could pump her out more easily and offered a lock wheeling service for boats transiting Stoke Bruerne for the period we were on the lock waiting area.  As soon as we could we moved over onto the water point

The cloths were then removed (not easy in the wind) and stowed.  We also washed the gunwales to get rid of the green winter slime and polished the cabin sides - what a difference that makes.

Sculptor is now ready for the summer with the cloths neatly stowed.

The plan for our next work party, scheduled for Saturday 5-April is to clear out the back cabin and get it ready for scumbling.  Brian Mayland kindly visited to see what needs to be done to the back cabin.

Another achievement today was to remove the old ballast from the uxter plate where it was helping promote rust - we have managed to sell the ballast for a donation £30 - it has now gone to a boat in Birmingham.

Volunteer hours 32 (total 102 to date)
Volunteer hours by Rob Westlake refurbishing the hand pump 15 (total 117 to date)

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