Saturday 28-November-2017 is Sculptor's 82nd birthday

Sculptor - a boat built by boat builders rather than a boat built by ship builders - and so much more elegant for that.

Sculptor is a 'Star' class boat named for the Sculptor Constellation
Sculptor on ITV Anglia - 22-September-2014
Sculptor on BBC Look East 16-October-2014
Sculptor on Narrowboatworld

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Getting ready for Braunston Historic weekend

The fore end is complete
Another view of the fore end
There's been a bit of painting going on to prepare Sculptor for the forthcoming Braunston Historic weekend.

That work has not been scheduled for a Sculptor day because of the vagaries of this particular English summer so it's been an 'opportunity' process to grab a good day when we can.

The pigeon box has been re-glossed
The stern end has been repainted
The fore end has now been finished, the pigeon box rubbed down and re-glossed and the stern end painted.

The fore end white band has been scrubbed and does look a lot better than it did although I am sure it could be better!

Sculptor is off on Friday morning (26-June) and will return to Stoke Bruerne on the afternoon of Monday 29-June all being well.

Volunteer hours 14 (total 840 to date)

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